
Closing Doors

Sunday, April 13, 2008 | | 2 comments |

I'm on the C train its around 8 O' Clock its rush hour everybody is either trying to get to work or school. The train is packed with people shoulder to shoulder, as the train stops at Nostrand Avenue more people got on, its so crowded that this Spanish woman she tries to force herself on the train this woman tells her she can't fit use the next door but the doors were closing. She pushes the door open and tries to squeeze her way in but there is no room left the door starts to close again the woman yells at her she says "I'm not moving use the other door!" she continues to hold the door the other woman gets so pissed off she grabs her hand shoves it away the woman didn't do anything she kept pushing until she got on the train.

When I saw that the woman pushed the Spanish lady's hands I thought it would have been a fight but she didn't react the way I thought she would and I think that took a lot not to hit her back.

Get A Room

Monday, April 7, 2008 | | 4 comments |

I don't know about you but when I see people making out on the train I just wanna tell them do you know how nasty you look. I mean tongue all down the throat, grabbing and squeezing each other its like a soap opera. And most of the times its teenagers. I saw this "couple" the girl was braced against the wall while her boyfriend was infront of her and they were going at it. I just looked and laughed because it just shows that more and more teens are becoming sexual active because they think they're in love. And its sad because most of those relationships don't last it just lust and they are too young to know the difference. What do you think ?