
Catching a Break

Saturday, February 23, 2008 | | 4 comments |

NEW SUBWAY RULES "It is a violation to move between end doors of a subway car whether or not train is in motion, except in an emergency or when directed by police officer or conductor"

I'm on the J -Train a passenger sits next to me it looks like he's just getting off from work because his clothes are all tainted with paint, maybe he's a carpenter or something. Then as the train starts to get overcrowded passengers start to exit to another car but there are police officers in the subway watching.

This one man goes through first and the police officers automatically tells the him to get off the train. We are all looking like whats going to happen then the door closes and about five other people goes through the car door. As the train pulls off I can see that the police officers let the man go but he was pissed off because they made him miss his train.

Pay Your Fare

Thursday, February 14, 2008 | | 4 comments |

Today yet again I saw another man getting arrested for fare evasion. He was surrounded by four police officers I couldn't even describe to you the embarrassment he felt as everyone entering the train station stared at him as the female police officer wrote him a ticket. Is it worth it two dollars vs. a twenty five to one hundred dollar ticket. Think about it. Anyone who has been caught trying not to pay for their subway ride knows how humiliating it can feel. Imagine what people are thinking about you as they pass by. Some might even point and laugh. Is the crime worth the humiliation? Signing out


Hello World

Saturday, February 9, 2008 | | 1 comments |

Hi everyone this is my first blog. I guess I'm kind of late, for a long time now I've been hearing about the growing online communities of bloggers. So I decided to join in and see whats all the fuss about. Signing out.