
Late Again

Tuesday, March 25, 2008 | | |

The damn trains late again. It seems like every other day the L train line is doing some kind of reconstruction or what not. Sometimes it gets really frustrating waiting for the train to arrive then when it does it moves extra slow then I start to feel like I'm moving in slow motion. I want to start cursing at the damn conductor but I don't want to be escorted off the train by New York City's finest.

Doesn't it piss you off when you know you're going to be late and the train makes you extra late. Or maybe its just New York city where everything is fast and people are always on the go, we expect everything to be fast pace, so we demand the train to be the same way.


  1. MalmsteenRulez! says:

    Yeah...true....just when you're late, the trains go mad slow like you just wanna curse out loud (which I almost did one time).

  2. Anonymous says:

    It always happen like that, sometimes I start to curse people looking at me like i'm crazy. It's just like in DC every week on the red line over and over.